Athletics winter sports meeting will be on November 6 at 6PM in the JR/SR Gymnasium. Go Tigers!
3 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Lawrence Public School District is seeking applications for the current vacant position on the board of education as a result of a recent resignation. An individual will be appointed to fill the vacant position until the Nov 3, 2026 elections have been held and certified and a newly elected individual has been sworn-in to fill the remainder of this position’s term. To be eligible, a person must be a registered voter in Lawrence Public Schools district. An applicant must be at least 18 years of age; a citizen of the United States; a resident of the state of Michigan for at least 30 days; and a resident of the school district. If interested please submit a letter of interest to Deb Salvano (LPS BOE President) by Nov 8th, 2024. Following a review of the submitted materials, the board will schedule interviews with selected candidates. Not all candidates for the board vacancy will be interviewed. If you have any questions concerning the role of the board of education and the responsibilities of a board member, please contact Ryan Williamson, Superintendent of Schools, at Lawrence Public Schools.
3 months ago, Ryan Williamson
BOE Vacancy
We hope to see you at Parent-Teacher Conferences this week Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30-6:30. The Jr/Sr High school does not require an appointment. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 on both days. There will be no school on Friday, November 1st. Enjoy your 3-day weekend.
3 months ago, Kari Crippen
The Tiger Nation Art & Craft Show was a success!
3 months ago, Kari Crippen
Junior High boys basketball will begin at 6:00 on Monday in the Elementary Gym. Students must have a physical on file to participate.
3 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Tiger Nation craft show is under way! Stop by and see some awesome vendors!
3 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Tiger Nation Art and Craft show tomorrow 9-3 Come out and see over 70 Vendors!
3 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Lawrence Tigers
Junior High boys basketball will begin at 6:00 on Monday in the main Elementary gym. Please make sure your student has a completed physical turned into the school to participate. If you have any questions please reach out to Noah Wiswary at
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary
LHS will be honoring seniors who participate in football, band, sideline cheer, and cross country. The ceremony will take place tonight, October 24th, at 6:00 PM. Parents should meet on the track at 5:50.
4 months ago, Kari Crippen
Parent meeting for winter athletics will take place on November 6th at 6PM! Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Lawrence Tigers
Please complete the Safe Routes to School QR Code Survey . The Safe Routes to School is a federal grant that the Village of Lawrence can receive to encourage students to walk to school, to make walking to school safer, and to plan, development, and implement the project.
4 months ago, Ryan Williamson
Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School
Junior High boys basketball will begin Monday October 28 Students must have physicals turned in to participate!
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Lawrence Tigers
Fall Homecoming 2024 was a tremendous success! The week was filled with the following events: themed dress up days, bonfire, pep assembly (Seniors won the Spirit Stick), Parade, Football Game (Staff were honored guests and received free meal and special seating).
4 months ago, Ryan Williamson
Marching Band releases students to the Pep Assembly
Seniors won the Spirit Stick
Staff received free meal and honored seating
Thank you to the Alfieri family for the noise makers at last night's Homecoming game.
4 months ago, Kari Crippen
Homecoming Game Day! Pep Assembly (During School) Parade 4pm Game 6pm ***Bonfire Pictures
4 months ago, Ryan Williamson
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Homecoming week is October 14-18.
4 months ago, Kari Crippen
No school on Monday, October 14, 2024. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!
4 months ago, Kari Crippen
no school
Over 70 vendors will be in attendance!!
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary
Lawrence Tigers
YOUTH GIRLS BASKETBALL REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN: All Girls in 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade are invited to participate in our youth basketball league. Follow the Link to sign up:
4 months ago, Noah Wiswary